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"Better than being stuck in here!"Liz turned around. "You find our presence less than stimulating Captain Hart?" Errr, no Ma'am, errr Liz. I like your presence a lot." Josh stammered. He looked even more confused as Liz and Julia started laughing.Their banter was interrupted by the sounds of the ships 4" guns firing."They must have forced the sub to the surface" Josh theorised excitedly.Bells rang, and the ship began to slow. Over the loud speaker could be heard the command to cease fire."I. "Fuck me."I told him with lust in my voice. he kissed my lips and positioned me right on top of him. I put my arms around his neck "It's going to hurt a little, but I'll be gentle with you." He winked at me and kissed my lips one last time. He put the tip of his cock against my pussy lips and slowly started pushing into me. I squeezed my eyes as I started to feel the pain of losing my virginity. He saw and stopped. "Are you okay?" I nodded and then he continued to slowly push all of his 8. " Actually, it is, but I'm here because Ashley woke up and insisted I leave her room. I don't think she remembers anything that happened last night. We may get out of this mess without too much damage. You need to think of a reason why she's practically naked. She asked about that," reported Steve."Really? Maybe we can minimize the embarrassment for her. We won't lie, but we can omit some information. There's no reason to humiliate her."Just then the bedroom door opened. Ashley approached the. I’m SO turned on that I don’t know who it is! Why is the guy's dick that I’m sucking, holding my head on his dick so that I cant see who it is? While his lovely dick is in my mouth with his hands holding my head, and my dick is in I don’t know whose mouth, a new pair of hands are wrapping a blindfold around my eyes, what the fuck!?Now that I cant see, I feel many hands moving me to be on the bed on my back. I can feel a lot of weight on the bed and warmth assuming many people are now on the.
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