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Claire had moved to a sofa for the next shot. She sprawled against one arm in a skirt and sleeveless blouse. As she sat leaning forward, the collar of the shirt hung down. A clear valley between the mounds of her breasts appeared. That position made her tits seem larger than when she stood up. The hanging effect, I call it. When she sat back and hugged her knees to her chest, her panties pressed tight against her pussy between fleshy thighs. I was treated to the shape and contour of her lower. We exchanged passionate kisses and clung to each other. When I went to caress her breasts, she pulled my hand away and said too soon. After a hot make-out session, Carol said that I needed to go home. I went home and I masturbated to the carnal images of Carol in my head.The next morning, I went to pick her up. She was wearing the same kimono and when I sat down to chat with her she took the kimono off and her breasts were bare. Her tits stood straight out from her chest. They were. A drink would cure that. Marsha mused about what her next move as she poured the alcohol into a glass. She definitely wanted to feel Curly's tongue on her pussy again. Had it been a fluke? Could her dog possibly develop a taste for her messy twat? Did she dare try, not knowing what the consequences might be? She strolled over to Curly's pillow bed, thinking she would let him make the call."Hey, boy. Still feeling naughty?" Marsha sipped from her glass.The Poodle looked up, whined and panted. He. Two mimosas had achieved their desired effect. “You want to come over?” Pam asked. “Sure,” Audrey replied. “I’m at the top of the hill,” Pam said. “We can either walk or drive.” Audrey looked at the empty mimosa glasses. “I think staggering is probably safer,” Audrey replied. I agreed. While none of us were drunk, we definitely, were buzzed. So we headed off for Pam’s apartment. It was still early in the afternoon and none of anticipated how warm it was outside. The walk was a brief one, but.
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