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Hazel: I’ll do my best.That’s what I’m hoping for.Me: Does your son have an active social life?Hazel: No, no, not really. He’s home a lot and mostly locked in his room with his computer.Hazel has a worried look.Hazel: Is that bad?Me: I can’t comment on that. Does Dwayne have many friends?Hazel: No, not that I know of. Online maybe?Me: Do you think your son is confident enough to speak in public? In a lecture hall, for example?Hazel: He’s very shy.Me: I see.Hazel: It’s not looking good, is. I stayed curled on the bed, tears of shame in my eyes.Lisa conferred with the guys.“She’s in there, devastated. She says she has to move out. I’ve never seen her like this.”“Well, everybody masturbates,” said Brad. “Part of the shock is that we’ve been so careful about keeping our bodies and sex under wraps in the house. I’ve never even seen anyone in their underwear, much less undressed. It’s like we’re running a convent.”“I agree,” said Kevin. “When we were in the dorm at school, girls. Seeing I wasn’t there she sat up on the edge of the bed with her extremely wet, wide-open pussy turned towards me. I asked, “Do you see me now?” She acknowledged she did and dropped her chin in what I sensed as embarrassment. I told her to look at me, and she complied. . I was so excited my cock remained rock hard. So, I tried to show it to her before returning it to my pants. I said to her, “Come let me in, baby.” She reached for her house coat, but I quickly told her to leave it there. She. I mean, where in all the rest of your life, do you get something similar to that? Even full-on penetrative anal sex isn’t quite the same thing. I once read that having a warm shower is a weird experience to put humans through because there is nothing in the natural world, nothing in evolution, that is similar enough to prepare us for it. Well, having a tongue slathering your arsehole, and occasionally just poking a little bit at the pucker is another one.Besides, I was already riding the edge.
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