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This went for a long time. Then we change the position to ’69’ .And then i open her ass crack as i had a good access to it now and was massaging her butt still .they were a bit tired with humping all this time. She dismounted me after a while and just stayed lying over me.she whispered in my ears “i never thought you are so dominant in bed” and bit my earlobes.and then she smiled at it and said “i never humped so much without an orgasm”. Clearly she was not finished with each me and had more to. His cock was getting so sore. It had been straining against its cage for an hour now and Cindy had been yanking on it all the way home. Cindy found enough clothes and other items around the house and tied him up spread eagle on the bed. She took a shirt of his and blindfolded him so he couldn’t see a thing. After she was satisfied that he was helpless, she removed the device that was keeping his little cock prisoner. His cock sprang to full attention. He could only lay there and listen.. Now the guys wanted to switch, OMG, Trevor's cock was sooo huge so I said "baby, please go slow in my ass" and he said okay. I felt him press the tip of his cock into my tight little hole and then he slowly filled me up with his giant cock, it was a really tight fit. He slowly started pushing in and out and although it hurt I was loving it as the same time. Once I got used to it I grabbed Dee's cock and started sucking it as these two guys continued to fuck me. We fucked like that for a bit and. There were a few chuckles at this unexpected sight, with some just taking a peek and hanging outside while the others continued to watch. Both girls were moaning loud, appreciating the skill with which Thib pleasured them with his tongue and cock. Eventually Anya got off soon after realising there was an audience (shy girl she is, bless her heart) while Thib and Nat shifted into a doggy position. Soon enough, Thib started pounding away and making Nat desperately moan for more. With our.
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