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Jackline whimpered, not stopping her masturbation. Whoever it was wasn't going to keep her from getting off. But maybe he would like to help. She pushed herself against the unknown form. The hood around her head began to loosen up slowly until her hearing returned to her. Then her sight came back the moment the hood was ripped off her head. Bright lights blinded the vixen for a moment.When her eyes finally adjusted to the world, she saw Pascal again, standing before her, his delicious body. He needed to be able to concentrate on the task at hand.Two hours later he felt that he’d made significant improvements to the program. Now, to test it. He put Susan’s name into the system. After her modification by the FMCA, he hadn’t been able to “see” her with Master PC. Now, her image appeared on the screen, in a bikini, rotating slowly in front of him.“YES!”His victorious outburst brought a crackle from the intercom and an “are you OK, Jim” from Pat.“I’m fine, Pat. Just solved a big. I faced our parents. I said, "Iknow you are thinking that there is something bad. It is not. It ishighly unusual." I spoke to Diane's parents. "John and Marge," then tomine, "Mom and Dad," then to all, "We got switched. I am Jack, but I amin Diane's body. Diane is in mine."(Side note to readers. Jack was in Diane's body but acting like Jack.Diane was acting like Diane in Jack's body.)All of our parents said, "What? How? Why? When? Is this a joke?"Diane said, "As you all know, both Jack and I. I’ll get pregnant for sure!” He starts fucking her with long deep strokes, his balls hitting her hairy pussy with each inward thrust. Karen starts to squeal with an orgasm and pleads, “Fuck me!!! Yes!! Fuck me had and dirty, Ken!!!!” He boss straightens his back and pins my wife’s arms to the bed. He grunts and says, “Yeah!!! I love fucking this tight, white married cunt!!! I’m going to cum in you slut!!! Karen screams out “No! Don’t do it!!! Please!!! Pull out!!! Ken grunts again and puts the.
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