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And our morning continues with the 3 of us around the table, eating my mom's greatest sweets. Suddenly my dad started telling me finally what they have planned for my party. "Mark", he said, "due to the fact that we renovate our pool area, I asked Harold and Julie if we can host your party at their house and they accepted". I was shooked, I thought now was the right time to make a move on Harold, now that I am not a minor and I have started believing more in myself, well believing more in the. The thought of climbing into that dirty bed and sleeping where another person had been before me made me feel funny and it turned me on. That's just what I did too. I undressed, brushed my teeth and crawled into bed and pulled the covers up over me. I could smell the man's essence and also that stale greasy smell of McDonalds fries and I slowly fingered myself until I came with a jerking lustful uninhibited groan. It was just all so dirty and I loved it. I didn't tell the maid to clean my room. Slipping his other hand lower as his fingers pinches my clit. Crying out not sure if from the pleasure or pain. Unable to hold back my responses. His eyes never once leaving my face as his harsh hands begin their rough play of my pussy. His nails biting into my tender clit as he pinches me. Watching as his hands move to his clothing as he begins to slide the fabric from his body unable to look away at his hard male frame. Excitement mingled with fear fills my body as I watch him moving closer.. The worn elastic band d****d prettily across her hip bones. She sat beside me as I lay in bed."You had too much wine, didn't you?" I probably had, but I was so filled with adrenaline and endorphins I had no noticeable hangover. I remember I wanted only two things. Quiet time to think of Lizvette, and intimacy with my beautiful loving daughter. Whenever we were alone, Bethie took our intimacy to new limits, new depths, breaking old boundaries and setting new ones where we would settle in and.
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