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" The recognition of mutual desire was strongly communicated in each other's eyes."So anyway," let me introduce you to my friends, quickly Jane introduced me to Jenny, Chris and Ann. Jenny, a hard core lesbian with a strident personality said, "well Andy certainly kept you a secret Andrea, he never mentioned that his sister was a super hot chic," with this she let her hand briefly rub across my ass causing my constrained cock to suddenly start to harden.I had a really good night, spending most. And Mandy had him sit on the couch and grabbed his throbbing cock with both hands and started stroking it while she kissed and licked and sucked on the head of it!!! Marcus was loving it and when Mandy raised up a bit and then managed to swallow nearly 2/3ds of his monster he was absolutely loving it!!! Then she started slowly moving up and down his shaft before shifting around a bit so that she was more comfortable then started moving her mouth up and down over 1/2 the length while at the same. After a minute of her sucking I pulled back and moved to suck her nipples once again but this time sucking and licking her belly as I moved down her large frame. Her legs were spread wide, her pussy glistening with her sticky juices, just begging to be licked. "Oh God yes, I need you to do that...lick me baby", she groaned, her chest heaving. I could hear her breathing hard as my tongue swiped up and down her wet labia. She tasted sweet and tangy. I used two fingers to gently open her lips and. .. I am almost ashamed to admit stopping by the corner market the other day and buying a dozen of them and what I did with one of them after. The others are in my secret stash, waiting to be employed in an improper manner. Well, that’s not entirely true. I’m sucking on one right now. It’s cherry flavored. I’m wondering how long before it finds its way into a different orifice… Not long, I imagine. In fact, why put off the inevitable? =^.^= I can’t describe the feeling of being naked, cum.
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