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“You mention this to anyone in the office and you will be wearing your balls as ear rings. Clear?” The message was five by five. He gulped and nodded his understanding. Stella rose from the settee across from him and without a word, undressed. Taking her skirt off first, then her blouse and laying both carefully over the arm of the settee, all the while, watching him steadily. She reached around the back and unclipped her bra and placed it on top of the other clothing. She turned back toward. Ken then came over to me and asked if I was ready to start? I stood up and removed the robe and handed it to him. I’m ready, I told him, and now all you need to do is tell me how you want me. Ken first asked me to sit on the very edge of the cliff and then lean back with my arms towards the back supporting me. Good, he said. Now I want you to pull your left knee up until your foot is resting on the edge of the cliff. Now I want your right leg slightly spread and just hanging over the edge. . She lay, frozen in fear, as her brain tried to reassure her he was not about to do what she thought he was. His hands moved under her short skirt to her hips, fingers hooking on to the band of her panties and pulling them down to her knees. She began to struggle rather violently, unwittingly aiding him in his removal of her underwear. He threw it over his shoulder then moved to press himself on top of her, stopping her struggles with his weight, his hands snaking around her wrists again and. Her visitor seemed to really like this piece. He got up on all fours and arched his back and when Janet entered into a particularly pleasing sequence, his ears pricked up and he looked to be in absolute ecstasy. ‘Well, well,’ said Janet to herself, ‘a music lover!’ When she had finished the cat looked kind of disappointed. She then chose Debussy, a fast and slightly strident number that had the cat glaring disapproval. It yawned and began washing itself. ‘Well, okay,’ she said, ‘so you didn’t.
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