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" Princess Dee is my owner; her control of me gives meaning to my life!" I am humbled to be the slave of Princess Dee. Only through my service toher am I worthy as a person." I am insignificant without the control and guidance of Princess Dee; shemakes me a better person." Princess Dee is my everything, without her I am nothing." Princess Dee is my better. She knows what is in my best interests morethan I do." Princess Dee is my superior; she is better than me in every way!"These eight lines. After ten minutes of fingering, I moved my face in front of her pussy and inhaled her smell before going tongue deep. I licked her out so slowly she was begging for me to go faster, I grabbed her clit between my tongue and started to slowly suck, as she started to grind her pussy on my face. She slightly growled as she moaned, then I pulled away. I got my cock out and she put it straight in her mouth. She got payback by sucking me slowly. She sucked me so slowly. I started to pump my hips and. What else could he do? He obeyed and apologized, "Sorry senior, I'll do it again."I contemplated driving out to her sisters house and crashing the party, or maybe even sneaking around. The frustration soon took its toll and I eventually ended up hitting the bottle. I got completely 'shitfaced' that night, from what I can remember.The next day, I confided in an old friend, "Hell, I don't know what to do Lance, she's fooling around on me! Its driving me nuts!"Lance, who used to work for the LAPD,. “Your name in Greek means ‘The Tamer’,” the doctor snapped, gripping his fist tight and shaking it at Damon. “Wouldn’t you like to truly demonstrate the meaning of that to that unsuspecting, petulant heroine?”Once more, Damon’s eyes drifted to a dark spot. As a slight, wicked grin slanted upon his lips, the visions, the sounds of his past frustrations and anguish transformed into the cries and pleads of an utterly defeated heroine, feeling her boldly nubile body straining against his clutches,.
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