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His hand came down hard on her flank and she cried out as it morphed into deep pleasure. She was so close, that need to have him inside, to come around him, driving her insane. “Please, what?” He murmured into her ear. She drew in an unsteady breath. “Please, Sir.” The words just passed her lips when he slammed home, burying himself deep, forcing a scream from her lips. He felt good, so good. Splitting her, filling her, and joining to her. He released a long groan as he ground his hips into. .Did you like being a part of me?...I loved having you”, she whispered. “Mmmmmmm, Yes I did”, Rusty moaned, “It was incredible”. “You're NOT gay because I'm NOT a male, I'm a different girl”, Willow added. Rusty grinned “I'll never see your ass in the same again”, Willow laughed! The rain was still pouring, they heard a shout in the distant “Is there anybody there? My camp site got washed away!...Help me”! She looked through their door flap, Rusty! There's a boy out there in a poncho”! “He. You did, didn’t you Tim?”“Yes, Miss, I did. It was just like the magazines said.” He spoke enthusiastically for once, I mused.“You will recall that I said you would be spanked in half an hour. I propose not to do so.” I saw his face fall and continued, “That is because I think you have received enough punishment for one day. However, I will keep a close eye on you, and will not hesitate to discipline you in future if you are naughty. Do you accept my authority over you, Tim?” I demanded.I leant. Immediately she was back, struggling, snapping her head back to try to break his nose, anything to break free. That’s my girl. But it was all to no avail. Power Man was forcing her to the ground.Faster than even she could follow, Greased Lightning threaded one end of the chain through the D-ring on her collar, then through the O-ring at the other end of the of the chain. Then in a flash, he was back at the concrete post padlocking the chain to one of several iron rings on the post.Instantly her.
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