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But it was not over yet. As with the original head cage, Carly’s mouth had been held open, and Tom now moved his hips forwards, forcing his cock into her mouth. She could do nothing but squeal in agony from the pain, as he rammed his cock into her mouth, forcing her to clean it.What happened next was certainly not planned. He held his cock still in her mouth, as he told her she needed a drink. Even before she realised what he meant, she could feel him pissing into her mouth.She gagged and. The only thing I can say is my ignorance caused a storm to come to my home.The girls couldn't just sit around my place, they need to go to school; both because of their education and they needed friends their own age. What I should have done was hired a tutor and home schooled them. Hindsight is 20-20, believe it.I contacted Shirley, a family friend. She worked for the school system as a high level administrator. I explained about the girls, where they came from and their story. Shirley agreed. Sitting beside her and leaning down, he again kissed her forehead. After working his way, he touched his lips in a trail around to her ear, where he spent some time nuzzling and lightly kissing her there. He didn’t put his tongue into her ear, just breathed behind her earlobe, then kissed there before slowly working his way down to her neck.As he kissed his way past the little hollow just above her collarbone, he felt her tense up a little, and her breathing change. Ah, I’ll have to remember. Meantime I was still eating her soaking wet cunt Now wet from her and me. I loved it. The cock in her mouth soon unloaded and as soon as she swallowed his cum the last guy moved it and fucked her mouth hard and fast. He did not last long at all. She had emptied all four of our cocks in short order. Finally she let me up and I just laid there. My buddy had recovered though and he just slid his cock into my mouth. Nothing we had not done before but I was not used to eating all my own cum and.
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