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Murtar was a powerful and feared country in the middle of the desert. For thousands of years, it had ruled the desert by sword. She beamed in pride of her country and what it had become in her years. As she turned the corner onto the Prince’s Chambers, she sighed. She had grave fears for the fate of Murtar, the Prince was a wretched boy who did not have the sense to lead such an important country, there was a growing resistance in Lower Murtar, they were seeking to split Murtar into two smaller. ' Once we were out side the gym, Daniel said '...head for the path way to your left and don't look back...' I quickly made it to the path way and started to go farther down then I thought. Once I had gotten as far as I could...I stopped to get my breath. That is when I noticed there was no one there but me. Daniel was no where to be seen, I started to think as to what I was going to do, when all of a sudden Daniel spoke up. '...Don't be scared it's just me. Drop to your knees and suck this. I even got compliments from most of the society ladies about my gown and all. I even talked to a few fellow diplomats about many things going on in the world. After talking for a good 45 minutes or so, I was a little parched. So I went to one of the refreshment stations and got myself a glass of sparkling white wine. Then, I went and got myself a few appetizers so I won't drink on an empty stomach. I sat myself down at a table, took my time nibbling on my snacks, and sipped on some of my. Oh, I have seen Dad’s a couple times.”“How about you, Kate?”Kate had to think about it for a few seconds. “Well, I have seen Keith’s lots of times. I have seen Dad’s once and like Kathy, not one over the age of 7.”“How about you, Keith?”“Well, I have seen a lot of penises,” said Keith, knowing what his mother was actually asking.Everyone laughed at Keith’s joke.Kari said, “You know what I mean. How many naked girls have you seen?”“Well, other than Kate, maybe a few, but I don’t know how many..
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