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Zack jumped at the sound of his name and knew he had been caught checking out his client. A little red faced he replied, “Howdy Wes.”“Let me dry off a bit and we can head into my workout room. That’s where I have my table.”“Sure, no problem Wes,” said Zack as he was doing his best to look around and not start staring at Wes’s cock again. He noticed the girl had gone over to a lounger and was stretched out totally nude now. The way she was facing he could see she had a completely bald pussy with. So I put a finger in her asshole while fucking her pussy from behind, and she was excited about that. No rejection from her meant encouragement for me to go further. So I pulled out my cock from her pussy and pushed it in her ass. Slowly, slowly I felt that the head of my cock crossed the border of her sphincters, and after that with a sliding move I pushed it all inside. It went well but she retracted saying that it hurts. Later I found out that my cock was too thick for her ass who didn’t. She sat to my right and I noted the curve of her bum and the line of what appeared to be quite skimpy knickers as she passed me. I was between the two women. Liv and Stella then began to talk across me, commenting on my better points and eyeing me laciviously. I would be embarrassed to repeat the compliments but my ego grew and as the situation became clearer, so did my cock. “I think I deserve a reward for introducing you,” said Liv and leant in to kiss me. And so the evening began.Our mouths. " THAT WAS NO SUGGESTION, PRICK! IT WAS AN ORDER!" he roared. Good. Nice crowd gathering outside."Sir, my hearing is quite adequate. I'm only about three meters away—uh, about ten feet, this is the U.S.," I observed mildly."Ok, then, scum, I'll do it for you," he shouted, taking a step toward me. I backed off two steps and assumed a relaxed defensive posture."Sir, stop. I think your head bump made you forget yesterday's unfortunate accident. I'd prefer not to need to pay you a hospital visit.
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