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She introduced me to her father a sweet man with principles who accepted to give me a bed. After dinner, me and Hannah went to her bedroom, a real girly bedroom with posters, flowers and a lot of books. She told me she loved reading, because she hid in her world when she didn't feel good. We continued to speak til very late in night and of course we spoke about sex, she felt so sorry for me and her story was not cool too, her boyfriend cheated on her too but with another guy and for revenge she. Can we go up and get him?”“Miss, this is your last warning. If you persist in this charade, I will call the police.”She saw that his hand was poised over the phone. She had no idea what the penalty for suspected prostitution in London was, but she was sure it would involve a trip to jail and that was definitely not in her plans for tonight. Shaking, she pulled a twenty pound note from her purse and handed it across the desk.He snatched the bill from her hand. “I’ve half a mind to refuse it. As the two families ate, the men told their wives about their game of golf, the girls talked to each other about the day and the boys, their mouths full most of the time, talked about where they would fish tomorrow.Once everyone had their fill of the fish and other things, Marge went into the kitchen and brought out a plate of cookies. Anne served hot coffee to the adults and the kids drank milk.When the meal was complete and the table cleared, the two families went into the family room. Don. Jenny noted that Rob had already laid out blankets for the pull-out, and knew no demands were being made for services rendered. Sometimes while she talked, she was aware that he was devouring her with his eyes, but he had done nothing to frighten her, and his look was one of awe more than any hunger.Rob, for his part, couldn’t get over this vision that had become part of his life, at least for one night. She was pink and flushed from a hot bath, and wrapped in a huge terry robe that the Nelsons.
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