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"Clean me" Connie yelled.My wife obediently knelt down and lapped at Connie's dripping asshole. I was completely without words and in a haze. I then found myself reaching out for my wife's body.... and I gently stoked my wife's lower back.... letting her know that I was there.. that I supported her and her needs... that I loved her.At that moment, just after I had shot my cum deep up into Connie's rectum and as my wife tenderly licked Connie's messy anal opening, I loved my wife more than I had. Even though I make no secret of my disdain for your husband nor beg pardon for it, what I did was undeniably rude and for that you have my sincerest regrets. You have but to decide a suitable punishment and I'm sure Harry will approve it and either administer it himself or allow you to." Carol, there's no need to apologize and certainly no need for punishment-" Margo, my owner has said, and I agree with him, that I was rude. When one is rude, one apologizes. That's how it works in polite. He entered me from behind and began fucking me hard, his thighs slapping against my buttocks. Watching the video afterwards I can see his big arse pounding away, with just my stocking covered legs visible, accompanied by the sound of my moaning and crying out as I got really into it, feeling like a real slut. This wasn't just playing a role, it felt fantastic have his big dick slide in and out of my sphincter. From that position he got me to lie on my back with my legs up and lay on top. “Love your leather jock strap and your arse.”“Seduction with lots of foreplay Marilyn,” she whispers as we kiss passionately with our tongues. “Undress me Nat, take my dress off for me,” Vivian tells my man who readily complies. “Now my bra and g-string. Should I leave my heels on? Wow, look at your erection bulging out of your leather jock strap. Huge.“Now watch me undress your lady,” she whispers while she kisses my neck and undoes the long zipper at the back of my dress as it drops to the.
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