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Still, that had been months ago. He kissed the insides of her thighs while she squirmed. Then his mouth was on her center.The heat built; the fire roared; the lightning struck. She moaned and writhed.This time, though, he did not relent. His tongue stroked her, just touched her clit. The fire built again. She felt fingers ease into her. Then his tongue licked her again. She could feel his warm breath all over her genitals. Then she could feel nothing other than the fire burning through her and. . If I leave them alone, say for an hour or so, will she go for daddy? Or will he go for her. She'll be wearing that thin, skimpy little yellow bikini he loves to see her in. Damn, everything she has shows in that. You can clearly see her rosy nipples and her puffy pussy lips. I know she doesn't have any hair down there because we shaved each other the other day. And, I've got to figure out some way to tell her about me and daddy! I promised him I wouldn't say a word, and I don't break. Her pussy was hot and wet and she did all the work for us both using her thighs to ride me, lifting herself up and the dropping back down, impaling herself on me. She put my hands on her at first, encouraging me to feel her hanging fruits and give them a squeeze so that her soft breast meat squished between my fingers. I was in heaven! I wondered how many other men had been in my position underneath my friend's mom. How old was she actually? How many men had she slept with?Every time I squeezed. "You guys know where the sodas, chips, and everything are right?" Having always asked us this before she leaves. "Yeah, we're good, thanks Mrs. Thompson." Then she said something that she could only tell me now. "I have lube in my dresser in case you boys want to fuck each other again. Some porn in a box under my shoes, and a few toys in my night stand if you get bored. Please clean them, and put them away when you're done." She leaned over and kissed me good bye, not on the forehead like she.
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