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As the light was switched off i was not able to see her body but only i could feel her hot breathing air, i have the practice of masturbating in night so i wanted to control my hot cock i held it tightly i was wearing a pajama, with a banyan, i was fast asleep suddenly a hand came over and pulled my hand and placed it on my bhabhis lap, i felt the heat i was taken a back and without my knowledge i was just rubbing her thighs by pulling her saree down, she much impressed and closed her gap. Man, was I wrong! My first anal fuck was an eye-opener, to coin a phrase. As we both expected, I had some trouble working my way in, but Beth applied some lubricant that eased the way considerably. It still was not easy to get by that outer muscle, but I was in heaven when I finally did. I pushed all the way in as far as I could go with little resistance. Honestly, I expected shit to come squirting out when I pushed in, but there was nothing like that. Oh, well, live and learn.This was just. When I saw her, I recognized the face but she definitely had put on quite a large amount of weight. We talked for a few minutes and we went along our merry ways.Fast forward a few years to 2010. I am going through a divorce and Laney happens to find me on Facebook/Myspace. Either way, it was good to talk to someone through this rough patch. We made plans to meet a week or so later when she said she was also going through a divorce. She ended up coming over to my house and I was shocked. I also wondered if someway they had something to do with his death to put me to the top here. I was only at this firm for less than three years and since I landed the Landis Account my rise was meteoric. From a saleswoman to vice-president then president because of the Mills & Mills Account that I got from another firm whose contract with M&M was running out at that time. I knew I deserved those promotions, but this?"Look Jim," I whispered as the room was filling up fast. "I don't want the job..
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