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”“As in the clown?” It was a joke on my side. He just looked at me a little pissed and took my drink away.“You can’t have my booze now.”“Oh come on, you have to think that is a strange name for a man who’s not even wearing clown shoes!”He thought about it for a minute and gave me back my drink.“So what brings you to Purgatory?”“A gas sucking piece of shit car mostly. And I lost my job. My soul sucking hag of a job.”“What were you? A used car sales lady?” Yeah, that wasn’t funny when I said. She looked a lot like Daiya and judging by the age gap there seemed to be this woman was most likely her mother. Three younger people stood next to the woman, the first was a girl around Richard's age with short brown hair and dressed in a flowing purple dress that rustled in the breeze. Right next to her was a boy who was probably around thirteen and he had a hard look on his face that said he wasn't pleased to be there. Standing beside him was a young girl that Richard also recognized, but. Rather than having you order a car, dealers want to get rid of the inventory that they already have occupying their property. I ordered every option on that Caprice, including the two tone paint and wire wheels. For a big station wagon, it was a pretty car. Once, we put the kids in that third rear facing seat, they immediately fell asleep. They loved having their own private space back there away from Mommy and Daddy. I stuck 5 Michael Jackson silver gloved, sparkle hands on the rear window.. It was 9:30 as she came in my room to give me cup of milk without knocking the door.As the entered i was naked and layed on bed as my face was pointing upwards, she became nervous for a moment and stayed at her position like statue.I covered my self and then she came in and gave me cup and ran away from room leaving a naughty smile.I drank milk and thinked about herself as i saw a chance to fulfil my desire. The next morning we took breakfast and i saw the same smile on her face like.
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