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Everyone I love and everyone who loves me back. I’m afraid to love anyone. They all get hurt or worse, die.”“You need to get some help, Steve. You can’t think like that.”“I know it. I already got the name of a therapist and dad said it was OK to schedule an appointment. I’m going to call Monday. This really scares me.”“Good. How can I help you?”“Just love me, that’s all,” I said.“You mean like walk over to the apartment and love you?” she said with a smile.“Uhm, not yet. We’re not ready. If we. . and not all that narrow either.The Straits of Mackinic is five miles wide. The reason Lake Michigan and Lake Huron are called two separate lakes is because the French ... well ... they're French ... If you were Canadian you'd understand.There isn't a speck of difference in the water level of this great big lake that wraps around the Michigan mitten. It probably ought to be Gran Big Lac qui s'enroule autour de la péninsule ... but the explorers were French ... and that makes it. I brought up wordpad in a flash and the words just came pouring out. I started writing about that first night that I saw the "Pimp-Fairy" in my mirror. I wrote it all down, and to my surprise, it actually turned out to be pretty funny. After a mere 20 minutes, I leaned back in my chair and cracked my knuckles. I had churned out three pages of gold man, pure gold. Then another thought came to me as I glared at the screen. If I submit this story, people will read it? I sent the story to the site. Tom gently pushed his finger in and out. Now, I was ready for him to enter me. The sensation of him sliding his shaft into me was quite pleasurable. At first he pumped slowly, he gradually went faster. I was getting really excite. I could feel his balls slapping against my body. I felt that this must be like it is give yourself to a man. I loved the idea of having a man inside of me. I wished I had a clit so I could orgasm. Instead I played with my member. With every forward and backward.
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