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I thanked her for reminding me. I said “May I need to drive home tonight as I have a meeting in the morning.” May said, “Jack that is a pity but you had better stop drinking. I will keep drinking if you promise not to take advantage of a tipsy woman.” I said “May you know I would never do that.” She smiled and then we went into the restaurant. We were shown to the table May had asked for. We flirted throughout dinner and the meal was wonderful. The filet just melted in the mouth. We had a. Before we knew it was 11:00 and we all had to work the next day. Kim had asked if she could use our shower before bed and of course we said yes. Let me tell you though she had the nicest set of tits(other than my wifes)i had ever seen! She also had an ass that i just wanted to grab a hold of. She finished her shower and then it was my wifes turn. As she took a shower the other woman and i talked about how bad the weather was. A few moments later my wife came out of the shower wearing nothing. ” I responded, “Oh you’ll make an impression alright.”I gave Nancy a little peck of a kiss ‘hello’, on her very sensuous mouth. and ushered her to the car. She was wearing a LBD that ended at mid thigh, with an elegant strand of white pearls, showing off her fantastic figure and very large tits and her blond hair cascading around her shoulders. I knew that Nancy was not a real blond. She had light brown pussy hair that was wild. She never trimmed it. Exactly to my liking. The dress had a very. I am a fat chubby guy with a large body.My chest will look like a married 30-year-old lady.My boobs size increased due to many of my partners and many groping in public places.I also have a fat ass. Since I’m fat both my breast and my ass look like women parts. Sometimes I have to wear bras to hide my boobs inside.Still, they look big. They also turn me on always.My college men staffs also used to stare at me.I also had sex with 2 of my male professorsLet’s go to the story now. This happened to.
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