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It's just you and me out by the pool. How many times have we seen each other naked in the shower room at school? Hell, I just saw your naked ass while you were putting it on."Erin laughed. "I guess you're right."They enjoyed the sun darkening their tans as they lounged on chairs beside the pool. Eventually, their conversation returned to Brian's cheating. They talked about it for over an hour as Erin mulled over her doubts and fears.Erin was still furious. "He has no idea how much this hurts. They didn’t even fight it when they were put into the cages. That is, everyone but Evelyn. she had a job to do and that was to suck off Tim and John before Mr. Frank took her home to her own cage.They were all allowed to sleep for as long as they wanted that day and night. But they would have to be up early the next day to get ready to start school.They were really cramped up when they were finally released from their cages, and stretched to get the kinks out of their bodies. They had to fix. ” Vera’s curiosity getting the better of her. Her old friend had some intriguing secrets.“I wouldn’t touch ‘em meself, but every now and again the crafty old bat would sneak one into me mashed potatoes, I’m sure of it.”“Well maybe she wanted a fun night,” Vera says with a little chuckle to herself. “Nay, lass, tha’ dunt understand. She could’ve had a fun night anytime she wanted. I’m seventy two, not ninety two.”Vera silently conceded his point. She’d always admired his rugged and. "Bend over and let me knock it from the back." Keisha got on her knees, arched her back while I situated myself behind her tender pork chops. Her ass was shining from all the baby oil I rubbed in."Damn girl!" I said as I got a real overview of her curvy frame. The skin on her biscuits wasinfested and overrun with stretch marks. It was super soft too. A natural ass. I put on a condom, looked down, and eased my dick passed her pussy flaps into her canal. Even with a condom on, her pussy was nice.
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