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Her gaze was fixed skyward and she watched as his chest puffed out, the air oozing from his tight throat and coming forth on an elongated groan. The other hand clutched her wrist. She blinked back against the stinging raindrops, feeling only the water as it swam down ’round the place where she ended and he began. Voices echoed through the woods. ‘I’ve found tracks!’ came an agitated shout. ‘There isn’t much time!’ The girl’s eyes went wide. His legs shook involuntarily, his body shrank inward. Marissa just lay in bed, reading.It was sort of boring, nothing going on, but still it was fun to be looking in on her, just knowing I could, and epic to know that I was owning her like this. And I was anticipating whenever she’d get up, like maybe she’d change, throw off her clothes. Soon enough, though, something much better happened... Marissa laid the book onto her nightstand. I rubbed my hands together, thinking, okay, this is it, she’s going to get up and get naked now, but even better,. Sounded like a bunch of marketing hooey but the billboards, corner signs, radio spots, and ads in the local paper were hard to miss. No doubt it was the largest haunted house in the area. In any case, I thought it might be a good place to take my niece and nephew so I stopped by to take a look. It was late Thursday afternoon, one day before the holiday weekend, and the parking lot was almost empty.I walked through the main entrance into the foyer where they used to keep the shopping carts.. The pressure built in a slow, deliberate manner – at first gooseflesh broke over her entire body. Next her nipples hardened, as her hands ran over her own breast her nipples hardened more, all the while her lover dined on the sweet nectar of her sopping crotch. Her ragged breathing hastened as Tammy moaned softly, her hips thrust into Gabby's face. Tammy legs wrapped around Gabriella's head then snaked down her back. Moans grew louder, more frequent and streams of profanity-punctuated filled.
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