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A few books and trophies fell onto her and the floor. As she looked up she heard the car drive by. Its horn started honking rapidly and she could hear at least two guys whooping and hollering. They’d seen her… This should have made Jenna upset, but it didn’t. In fact, the knowledge that she’d been seen outside completely naked had made her horny all over again. She spread her legs and began to rub her pussy and clit again. They were wet and warm again, and like before it felt amazing. Jenna’s. Rounding the end of a hallway Peen saw someone entering a doorway. It whooshed shut. He limped over, glanced around the empty hall, and then pulled the door silently open peeking around the corner. He saw some wall lockers. Furtive whispers were echoing gently around the room. He tiptoed in and looked behind the lockers.He gazed intently as the erotica daze drifted across his eyes. Gretchen was up on a wooden bench. Her bottom scrubs pulled down. No panties appeared to be present. Sid's. "GIDDDDEEE UP WHITE HOE!!!! YEAH GET SUM CuM FLOWIN UMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMM" Justin yells as he continues to fuck Brits white ass hardcore. "We knew your cockiness was ur weakness, but dammmm you still don't know that we let you win last round!"Kitty and Justin both laugh. "We were just testing your limits and seeing what you can do."Justin says.Longman doesn't believe them, after all, he still has a few tricks up his sleeve as well. Longman was so pumped that this black bitch was so sure of. She had nice hair, smooth skin, and she had maintained her weight, give or take a few pounds, since college. She was really looking forward to this trip. On Sunday night before she was to leave, she was packing her suitcase. Her husband Walter was watching her and wondered what she was thinking. He knew she was excited about going. He felt a pang of jealousy thinking about what she might do all alone in a strange city. He asked her who else was going from her company. No one, she replied. I’m.
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