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Then, even as Kim struggled to reassert her control over her son's cock, it bobbled uncontrollably.Kevin's pee started to fly everywhere, though most of it landed on his mother's hair, face and neck. In a few seconds the sluttly mother was drenched in her son's urine while her daughter-in-law watched in disbelief.Linda had an aversion to body fluids. She couldn't bear the thought of another person's pee touching any part of her body and here was her mother-in-law drenched in her husband's. She. She felt every inch as it plowed in and out sawing through her. Hers legs vagina ached to cum. Her hormones were wild after such a broad range of emotions flooded through her. "uh uh uh uhhhnnnhhhh yea, mmmmmm" she gasped over and over again as the wet thwack noise of his skin hitting her skin echoed in the office "yurgghhh take it.. You like your bosses cock. Tell your boss how you like it!" He growled as he slapped her ass. He pulled her hair too. This one likes to be dominated was. What are you so pissed about? She locked the door, crossed the room, and abruptly slapped the shit out of me. The woman had a powerful arm, and for a moment, I saw stars. My hand came up to my cheek, and I stared at her in disbelief. What the… I was interrupted by another slap to my other cheek. It was no less powerful, and I blinked. Ella, what… My shock passed quickly, though, and I was ready for her third strike and grabbed her wrist before she could connect. I twisted it behind her back. Then one day she had her camera at our home and forgot about it being there. I was up early the next morning and decided to see what kind of photos she had on there? Man, was in for for a surprise! The first few shots were of her but you could tell that she was high. The second shots were of her laying on a bed and it was readily apparent that she was in a motel. The next few shots were of the same bed but with a black guy laying there with no shirt on. I had a feeling that this was going.
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