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A trio of “civilized” Indians stood silently watching us just inside the main entrance to the fort. They had probably seen this all before and might have been the enemy in their earlier years. They all wore the trademark “Lincoln” stovetop headwear that appealed to their desire for upper class fashion. One of them had inserted a wild eagle feather in the band giving him a bit of a “Pirate” look that contradicted the intent. They all looked to be one hundred years old but could have been much. It’s all so obvious, I thought my comment would be taken as sarcasm and not a malicious slur. I love Dave. I wouldn’t be here, but for him either.” He turned to Dave, “My apologies, Sir. I meant no ill intent.”Dave smiled, “You’re forgiven. I took your remark as you intended.” He waved to dismiss the unintentional slight and then paused, “Back to the subject of Service. Any comments?”Cindy raised her hand, “Let me share something that happens in the large intentional Worthington family. Most of. She said that they were good at it too. They were also in their early twenties and college athletes. She said that the other women were jealous and wanted some of the action next week. However, that night it was all for her. After I filled her up she removed six condoms from her gym bag along with my camera.As I looked at my monitor my wife explained the pictures to me. They really didn’t need any explanation but she just wanted to relive it with me. Since the other women wanted the guys too. ?Deal,? Kayla says, sitting up. ?They?ll need a few minutes to hear up.Why d?you want them, anyway? You hair?s not THAT curly...??It?s wavy,? I reply. ?And thinner than I like. It looks- it looks morefeminine when it?s arrow straight.??Ah,? Kayla whispers in reply. ?And today, you want to go as feminine aspossible, right?? I nod in reply, making my friend smile. ?GOOD.Hopefully by the time Beverly leaves here, ?Steve? will be a thing ofthe past, hehe!??Yeah,? I laugh as I begin straightening my.
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