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I had to have his cock in my throat when he came but I’ve never sucked a cock like that before. I had the head in my mouth and was sucking it when I heard him tell mom she had to convince me to deep throat his cock. She took his cock in her mouth and showed me how to get it down my throat. I tried, but it didn’t work. She showed me again then told me she was going to lie on the floor and start biting my pussy until I had that cock in my throat. Have you ever had your pussy bitten? She didn’t. I told them I wanted all the girls in the house and the guys to come over to the meeting room now. The Mom's were already on the way for their nightly appearance at the Gym with Joey. Lisa and my Mom had finally been bitten by the exercise bug and started light walking on the tread mills.All the girls knew what was happening and made their way into the class room. The only thing left was to get Wendy to walk in. I settled that problem buy putting Sue Adams on the tan list with a note, waiting. "Go on, get yourself dressed sissy while I message your Mistress." Andshe turned her back on him, leaving him to nervously dress in the horridschoolgirl uniform again.At no time had he seen himself in a mirror, the mirrors had been coveredup, he didn't have any real idea what she had done to him. He knew thathis hair felt funny and his face felt a bit tight and tender, knew shehad pierced his ears and done that to his nipples but he had no idea ofwhat it all looked liked and absolutely no idea. His smile was warm and said everything that needed to be said. Then she looked over at her mother, who was watching interestedly, said, "Hi, Mom," and turned her attention back to her father.They talked quietly about whether there was anything they needed her to do about insurance matters. The hospital had called the company for them and an agent had come over to see what was going on. Don said everything was all squared away, at least as far as the hospital was concerned. He knew less about.
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