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The room was dimly lit but I could see the guy standing beside the bed and my wife sitting on the bed. He had his erect cock out and she was holding the shaft as she was sucking it like only she does. She likes to hold it, lick the underside length, let her tongue lick the pre-cum before she takes it all in deep throating it. He motioned me to close the door which I did and watched as she was sucking this strangers cock. It was amazing to watch this and I was turned on by the sight of it. She. "Tracy walked slowly as she covered the fifteen blocks between her sister-in-law's apartment and her brother's, glad to be out of the depressed atmosphere, but still struggling with the dilemma she'd created for herself. She and Celeste had been lovers for a little more than a year, and although it had started as an arrangement of convenience, their affair had become the one ray of sunshine in an otherwise bleak life. But now that Brandon was back in her life again, she was reluctant to let. Mom looked over at the clock, picked up her purse."Come along honey, we've got to pickup Jenny," she said."I can't go out like this Mommy." I said."Don't worry, Mommy will take good care of her little girl," Mom saidwith a reassuring smile.Taking my hand and leading me out to the car, she opened the door andhelped me with the seat belt. I looked around, thank goodness there wasnobody watching.I cowered down in the seat, the dress was puffed up except where theseat belt crossed my lap. Looking. After a couple more beers I asked her "Why don't you go for an all over tan?" Won't somebody see?" She asked"Only if they look over the wall, as the only spot you can see the windows on either side is at the gate." She looked over at me with that tease look she gets sometimes and I knew I'd turned her on with the idea and shimmed out of her bikini bottoms as well."Well I'm naked, get your shorts off as well then!" I was hoping you'd do it for me?" I said looking her in the eyes, she smiled at.
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