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" "What's the big deal?" It screws up my plans" said God, "so I'm pulling a Bill Murray on you."Chuck thought for a second and said "Ok I'll bite what's a Bill Murray?" Groundhog Day, you get to go back and redo your last day until you get the outcome I want." Ok I'll do it what's the outcome." I'm sorry I can't tell you that, Bye"Chuck awoke screaming from his horrible dream. Wow that was an intense dream"it wasn't a dream chuck." Boomed gods voice in his head"Well fuck, now what?"So for what. With the single deviation that my lighter hair and eyes provided, I would be mistaken for a native. I had been accustomed to perusing the horizon through my spy glass, and saw a sight I had not thought to see, mounted men, riding arch necked crop mane horses, the lowering sun glinting on their brilliant cuirasses. If you wish to scout with any hope or prayer of going without notice, better that you wear brown leather, than polished metal. I consulted with two of my party, the russet dog content. ”She looked over to see what the security man who had come with her was doing. A sick feeling came over her when she didn’t find him standing beside her. The lights on the truck went off. She turned to see the guy who she had come to meet.In the dark, she couldn’t see the occupant of the vehicle. She looked over to the side hearing the security man approach. He was not smiling. Looking over at Melinda, he said, “You didn’t say that you were here to meet Tripp.”“You know him?”“Her,” he. She then ties both legs and arms to the corners of the bed with belts before stuffing Ginny’s mouth with a old shirt. Hermione then walked over to Harry and put her soft lips on Harry’s before whispering “She all yours”. It was now Harrys turn to get the pleasure he had patiently waited for. He started off by teasing her with his hard 8 inch cock, Slapping her in the face several times with it before finishing off with a giant slip with his hand leaving a red hand mark on her face and tears in.
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