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The other walls had hooks and restraints, even some contraptions she had never seen before. The floor had several different restraint or sex machines in the middle. She recognized the breeding stand, and the cross. Some of the others she could guess at, and more still she had no idea how they worked. She felt a hand press on her bare back, and shook herself, walking into the room. Gideon cleared his throat. “Have a look around, and pick something to play on. I’ll grab some toys.”Aurora slowly. We knew Mikah didn’t judge, and wouldn’t take offense at anything, or be shocked by anything. So it was early on the third morning when Thia said something disturbing during our walk with Mikah.“Dad, when we get back, I’m going to see someone,” she said.“Okay hon, find someone you like and have them send me the bills. Do you think Jon needs someone as well?” I asked.“I think he is fine. He has Effie now, so he has settled down some,” she said. “I am going to move over to the second bed. Her scent was driving me wild. I lowered my head and ever so slowly licked her up and down her slit. I spread her outer lips open with my hand and breathed in heavy her sent. I stuck my tongue out again to capture her juices as they poured from her hole. She shuddered every time I licked her pussy. When I stuck my tongue into her sopping wet hole her moan became inaudible. I could feel the tightness she was holding on my tongue, the pressure was incredible. Moving in and out of her with my. If any of you guys want to go with me, you’re cordially invited.” He chuckled.I took a deep breath, “I think I’ll stay here. I don’t want to leave the girls just now.”Bob kissed Linda, “If you don’t mind, Cutie, I’ll go with Rex. Charlie is more than capable of keeping you all safe.”Greg assured him that he, too, planned on staying.Jeremy was having a private ‘mental chat’ with Sheila. Judging from their facial expressions, Jeremy felt much the same as I did. Like Mary, Sheila apparently didn’t.
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