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.. am I white with black stripes, or am I black with white stripes?”God simply replied “You are what you are.”The zebra returned to see St. Peter once more, who asked him “Well, did God straighten out your query for you?”The zebra looked puzzled. “No sir, God simply said ‘You are what you are’.”St. Peter smiled and said to the zebra “Well then, there you are. You are white with black stripes.”The zebra asked St. Peter “How do you know that for certain?”“Because” said St. Peter “If you were. "I mean it Anita," said Sylvia, not taking her eyes off the other vampire's face. "He's mine."Anita's hand gently encircled the base of Danny's erection, beneath Sylvia's own grip. "I wouldn't be too sure about that," Anita said. "He seemed pretty friendly with Christian's pretty little toy in that nightclub."Sylvia was not in the slightest bit goaded. "I think you've already fed well enough tonight sister," she told Anita.Danny swallowed, remembering the sight of Anita's blood-spattered face. I think I’ll start off slowly. Truth.”Sidney thought for a minute. “Okay. Why did you approach me on the bus?”The woman laughed and it reminded Sidney of wind chimes. “I already told you that. It’s because I wanted to fuck you.”“But why?”“I think you’re very attractive. You make me horny. I can tell you have a great personality. Take your pick. Truth or dare?”Sidney smiled. “Dare.”“Okay, I dare you to show me all the sex toys you have. I mean all of them, and tell me what your favorite use for. The two started kissing and I was suddenly appalled at what was about to happen. My wife lowered the back of her seat until she was laying rather than sitting. Lenny's hand disappeared under her skirt, while her hand started rubbing his cock over his jeans.Susan is a beautiful woman with long legs, large natural boobs and baby blue eyes. At thirty three she was a good ten years older than the horny cabby, but I could see why he was so attracted to her. The two started ripping each other's.
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