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I’ll give you a call when I’m ready.” He said cooly. “By the way, our little carnal adventure the other night was extremely… pleasant for lack of better words. But I’d like our next date to be about us getting to know each other, I look forward to finding all about Victoria!” “Oh well that sounds fine. Quite fun actually I want to get to know the inner Jeremy as well!” Jeremy pressed the mute button on his phone, and released it creating a second of silence. “Hey I’m get-“ He. Alan finally decided to sell Adam but first he would host a final fuck the slut party for his A list friends over a long weekend so as many as possible could attend. The party was billed as the last chance to put your dick in a great fuck slut's ass. Alan set out a lavish buffet and had extra slaves to serve both food and themselves to those sure to be waiting in a line somewhere for the main attraction. The event would be taped so as to preserve the last best effort of one of the great fuck. David, the only constant in her otherwise confused life. Always thereand always with a reassuring word for her. She re-read his finalletter that had arrived that morning. Was this really it? Was he nowout of her life for ever? She knew in her heart that he was but stillcouldn't believe it. But she knew that, if it was true, she'd neverforget him and his words of support.But there was no time to dwell on the past. She had an importantmeeting in town and needed to get a move on or she'd be. You're in real shit, and I'm glad."The gag had been removed and I could talk to Cora, and tell her howsorry I was. It fell on deaf ears. She wanted my ass as much as Melaniedid. All in all, a pretty rotten first day."They want us up in the front as soon as you can walk."I tried to rub my ass with the metal globes, and it was all scarred andraw. It would take at least a week before these wounds would heal. Corashowed me her ass, and it looked like raw meat."Yours is twice as bad buddy."I was.
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