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Your ass is ours now, for as long as we want it. You're gonna come to love these big nigger cocks so much that no little white boy will ever please you again. By morning you'll be begging us to fuck you non-stop day and night."Laine began to sob completely now, knowing her fate was sealed. Her crying caused her mouth to open, but not for long as Jamal's cock seized the opportunity and slid between her lips. Princess Laine was tasting a cock for the first time, but not for the last by a long. We have known each other for about 15 years but didn’t become lovers until 2 years ago. It was the fall of 2008; Erica and I were both coming off of bad breakups. Erica was dumped and tossed out by her boyfriend, and I found out my girl was cheating on me. Erica needed a place to stay and we both needed to heal so she moved in with me. It was a rough time for both of us for we were with our significant others for a longtime. We comforted each other, cried in others arms, and even went into. You were wearing a gorgeous sexy thong, just covering your kitty, its pink and purple spots against a lilac background made me wonder and lust for whats hidden under there. “Hi!” you said, “What you’re doing here?” - you gave me that smile again. I did not say a word except for “Shhhhh” - and was now sitting on the bed facing you, both of us with our legs folded like baby Bhuddas, your legs glistening like velvet, your tiny panties revealing heaven as it pulls away from your leg while you make. No coincidence, she imagined, that palace designers had positioned the wide balcony directly above the wide, scalloped ramp.She didn’t yet comprehend the vast bulk of the mile-wide palace. She couldn’t know it, but Leda had explored only a tiny fraction of the colossal structure, and its complex inner workings. The palace’s footprint covered a staggering 21,895,644 square feet, making it the largest structure ever built on Earth. The largest and the most enigmatic.Returning inside, Rebecca.
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