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“So sweet. Go lie down, Stacey.” Blinking, she turned around. Made her way to the bed, feeling her ass jiggle with each step. “Uh, uh. Panties off.” She rolled her eyes but did as she was told, then tossed them at him before she spread out on the bed. “My, my, Ms. Sunday School. Keep it up and I might have to spank you.” Raising the underwear to his nose, Matt’s chest rose, throwing shadows between his ribs and muscle. Sighing, he dropped the scrap of cloth to the side and grinned. Stalked. I guess someone ripped off a truck of them.’ ‘My father has a basement full of such things. I don’t ask where he gets them. You should’ve awakened me, I could have fixed dinner.’ ‘Well, I think I’ve put you through enough today. Besides, I’m a big boy I can heat up spaghetti all by myself.’ She picked up the plate and sat up on the bed. As she began eating she noticed he was again trying to not stare at her body, yet his eyes kept darting from his food to her body every few seconds. ‘Can I ask. It turned me on knowing that I had a hold over him and he seemed to want to be with me again. I arrived at Kasey's apartment after work one Thursday evening to find a suitcase by the front door. She walked out her bedroom and smiled at me. “James I need to go away for the weekend, but I’ve asked Mark if he can stay here with you. You boys can have a fun weekend together. He’s going to come tomorrow.” She kissed me and I could already feel myself getting hard. We spent most of the evening. I have another call to get on that I hope won’t last too long. I say you can wait in my office if you like while I was on the call.You smile and think that will be fine.The call comes in a few minutes later. I can tell right away it will be OK, but not great.I sit at my desk, concentrating on my call. I don’t see what you are doing, so it surprises me when I feel your hand on my legs. You have crawled under my desk and are rubbing my legs, working your way up to my crotch.Fortunately, I am not.
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