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Her beautiful eyes filled with tears. I grabbed her stiff cock and slowly jerked it. Pushing my cock further and further until I was balls deep. You ok baby? I askedI watched as her small Adam’s apple gulped. Her body trembling in my hands. Yes daddy make me a woman she moaned softly. I slowly pulled my cock out to the head and slide back in. Omg that hurts and feels amazing! Keep going daddy....After a couple slow strokes I grabbed the oil again. Then picked up the pace. Her tight asshole. Just don't do that again,” I replied as he covered his eyes. “I'll be in the living room, if you wanna go out or something,” Tim said. “OK Tim, just shut the door please,” I replied. “Sorry again,” Tim said as he shut the door. I was a little annoyed and he seemed embarrassed. So I didn't think he did it on purpose. And I should have locked the door as I always do, but for some odd reason I didn't. So I finished drying off and I got into my robe. Then I went out to the living room with him.. We spent a couple minutes saying hello and expressing how much we had missed each other and then headed over to check on Susan. I was a little surprised to find a pickup parked in her driveway since I knew Susan drove a Camaro. I asked Bob about it and he suggested that maybe one of the other teachers had dropped by as well. My level of concern went up when I found three strangers in the house but I figured they must have been concerned students that had dropped in. The youngest one grinned. The stage was bare, waiting. It took a little time before I felt his eyes. Then I became aware that the three men were looking at me too. They knew something I did not. Shamefacedly, the two girls looked from me to him and back again. Suddenly, as though someone had switched on a light, I realised the stage was set for me. There is a much used sentence in fiction and on the stage in which someone declaims: "The time has come!" I had known it would come. It was here! I was not ready. I never.
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