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The weeks past, and Kevin came over three times a week. Sometimes, he was made to rub Cathys feet for hours while she was watchin tv. Sometimes he was making her dinner for her and sometimes she just wanted him to clean his house. While Kevin was doing thes minor duties Cathy was training Kevin in knowing what to do without her saying much. She would just say that her feet hurt, and he would immidiatly start rubbing them, or that she was a bit hungry and he would go in the kitchen. She was. A click of a rope to the thing put over my face draws my thinking thoughts of the woman, and of my wish to see a good friend. Yet, this new man says nothing to me, but reaches down picking up a hind leg as he eyes my hoof.The sensation I realize is of a rasping file, it scrapes, scuffs and shapes my hoof giving an uneasy and un-nerving sort of feeling.Hoof after hoof is shaved smooth as without a word of apology he reaches a rough hand up inside my groin and takes a firm grip squeezing on my. "So, would tomorrow do?" Yes, will do fine," said Julia.Anne went through the sales procedure and printed out the details on apiece of paper."You'll need to take this with you tomorrow," she told Julia, handingher the printout."Ok. I'll just go and tell the children that we're going," she replied.Later that day, during supper, the girls made it known to Anne thattheir Harry Potter book collection was incomplete."They found the remaining books at the library, and now they want them,"said. She was there with the restof the cheerleaders. She was nice and friendly. So I walked up to herand asked, "Hey Tiffany, can we talk?" We knew each other and had beenfriends.Nicely, she said, "Why that would be nice, Michael." She was too niceto call me by a girl's name, and was not comfortable with the idea, butthat would have to change.I said, "Please, call me Michelle. I would like that. I find that Ilike this better."She had a funny look on her face when she asked, "Are you for real,this.
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