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I just hoped that it would not be a three day rain, let alone a three hour one. We did stop for a cold, wet lunch under a weeping willow tree that gave us some protection from the rain. I made Meri change her clothes and gave her a blanket with which to dry her hair. She tried to give it back saying that it would just get wet again, but I didn't want to deal with a sick girl, so I showed her how to wrap it around her head with the tail running outside her blouse so that the rain did not drip. At the gate we found that we were the first to come back from the hotel this morning. From talking to one of the passengers that slept in the airport overnight, the airline called the hotel to tell the others that it would be at least noon before anyone would be coming out to look at the plane.A woman a few seats over pulled the blanket from her face to add, "The crew made an announcement before they left about everyone being able to get to their luggage this morning, if it got loaded on this. Rhea has given me ample signals about her liking for me and flirts with me within the socially acceptable boundaries. We tease each other – arousing sexual urge in each other – but both of us are aware of our boundaries and are aware of consequences for ourselves and our families if we cross those boundaries.So, we have not taken our liking for each other to the next level.My desire and lust for my friend’s wife are such that there I imagine her having sex with me every day. Even when I am. Andrew suggested it might be a good idea to retrieve my luggage before we had too much to drink. The three of us went out to the car and unloaded the two suitcases, the Chianti, and my computer bag. Marie took the computer bag and led us to the guest suite. I gave Andrew the bag of wine, thanking him for allowing me to visit.I brought in the second suitcase and Andrew placed both on luggage trays and I unpacked some of my female attire. I showed Marie the festival dress I had brought for the.
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