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"While you've been laying here," She explained with her mouth full, "I've been gorging on food, from your own fridge by the way, that are known for giving me such bad vile gas, and now I'm just topping up on this bowl of beans for added punishment..."She stopped halfway through and looked down at her tummy, she was tensing it up and rubbing it before she told me, "Oh boy, it's building up, I can feel it!"She smiled in sadistic delight knowing she was soon to releaseall that gas inside of her. She taught me so many things: I ate pussy for hours learning to please a woman with only my tongue, we fucking in a variety of positions and styles, she showed me some kinky things like tying up or spankings. I loved it all! She confessed she loved the taste of my cum, which she couldn't get enough of. I learnt she didn't mind me looking at other woman, instead we compared notes about a females charms. She dressed to play parts, a hooker one night, a nurse the next, a cop, a bag lady. Her. No best not to think of it.He heard a noise from above him in the darkness. It sounded like claws scrabbling on stone. There was another sound as well, leathery, like bats leaving a cave at dusk.Oh God, Hayes thought. He tried the handle of the door.Locked.He fumbled with a heavy iron key ring.A shadow passed overhead. Something landed softly next to Hayes. He caught the scent of an exotic perfume.No.He heard a feminine giggle, sultry and full of malice.Something leaned over and blew the candle. Her parents were okay with me spending the night in their house, I just needed to stay in the guest bedroom. We got back from the movie and it was pretty late. I was ready to go to bed. My girlfriend's parents were still awake when we got home and told me that it was okay for me to go to bed but that I just needed to be quiet as granny was spending the weekend with them. She was staying in the room across from the one I was to sleep in. The two bedrooms were downstairs in the basement. It was.
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