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Eric was firmly ensconced in a good Inn. It was called the Silver Chalice, and he was fortunate to get the deal he had. He paid 5 silver a month which included two meals, breakfast, and the evening meal. Lunch was up to him.Eric made a deal with the inn keeper to allow him to work out of his room. After seeing the success Eric had with his healing, the inn keeper changed the arrangement. In addition to the 5 silver a month (which was cheaper than the normal price of a months stay at an inn of. ”“Go where?”“To get started. You said we would be necking, and we can’t turn you into a teller of tale tales. Besides, I expect to at least be on third base before Recon gets here.”We sat on the couch and blew past first and second base in about five minutes. I had my glove covered fingers inside her strumming her g-spot and she had a grip on my erection, pumping it for all she could. Renee was always responsive to my fingers and she had just finished her third orgasm when I groaned.“Lover, I. .", i managed to saySuddenly one of her hands slid inside my trunks and grabed my dick. I gave out a soft moan as she started to stroke it up and down."I suppose i have to take care of it then right?" I guess so..." Follow me." she replied.And i did. She took me to a changing cabine and locked the door behind us. Then she slowly approached me and leaned in to kiss me getting right into the tongue action.I slid my tongue out of her slipperly mouth and started to work on her neck as she moaned. After about two minutes, during which time her body kept twitching with aftershocks, she opened her eyes and looked at me. She said, "I love you. I never want to leave you for the rest of my life. I want to devote myself to you and your pleasure. THAT was the best thing that has ever happened to me in this lifetime or any other lifetime that I have ever lived."I kissed her several times, well aware that I was covered in her juices and aromas. Melissa joined me.We lay like that for a long time..
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