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I undressed and stepped into the shower and washed before drying and then going to dress. I had new clothes that was soft and very comfortable and sat to let the euphoria from the life energy fade. It was many hours before I finally went to lay down and close my eyes.There was a reason the sidhe called us reapers. The men had brought it back after so long without using it. The ancient mages that had bred our mothers had used spells to create us and that was what had destroyed them. The next day. I mean an honest to goodness lovers' kiss on the lips. I was flabbergasted. She pulled back and looked me in the eye and said, "Not bad." What?" I said. "Why did you do that?" Frank said you would be asking me to marry you and I wanted to make sure you knew how to kiss." What? Marry you? What are you talking about? I don't even know you. Grandpa, what the hell is going on?" I asked.Gramps and Rose were both laughing. Rose spoke first. "I'm sorry, Jimmy. Your Grandpa said if you ever came in. She put down her bag, undressed and got in showers, after that long telling off the other girls had long gone.Max was the male pe teacher late 20,s fit and doing his last rounds before heading home. "bloody hell, they've left the shower on, he entered the changing room and noticed clothes all set aside curiously he explored carefully and noticed Amelia in the shower hair wet, all soaped up and bent over trying to clean the muddy legs left after hockey.The shower was quite steamy and Amelia did. He was stiff as fuck again and the look on his face told me he was as surprised about it as I was eager. “I bet a strapping lad like you can make his pecker shoot over and over again. I almost choked on all that cum just now.” I wiped at the semen spilling down my chin.He was speechless and still trembling a little. I grasped his erection pointing up at me, “this rock hard penis tells me you want to cum again.”“Oh god, I never,” he had to catch his breath, “I never came like that before...”“I.
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