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Once off Carl walked me to this restaurant. We walked in and I saw a booth near the back away from the people in there. Carl slipped in sitting beside me. A man came over and he welcomed us here. He was staring at my tits as he did.“Your lucky to have such a lovely mother,” the man said to Carl.Carl looked at him then at me as he said, “Yeah mom is sexy and fun,” smiling at me.We ordered shrimp and crab legs. As the man walked away Carl told me that man was hard just like him. I looked around. What goes on in bed is between the two of you, I'm sure that neither of you will have any sexual complaints" My mother blushed and so did I after I realized that he was saying that mom was good in bed and in addition he had apparently had reports on me from the girls. "Outside of the bedroom you will never embarrass her or me. In addition, I would prefer that you have your ... dates ... when I'm on the road. Later on, when we all get more accustomed to this arraignment, perhaps we'll become. "She put her soft arms round his shoulders, lightly stroking his back. She raised her legs up a bit and started to gently hump back against him. It took no time at all before he was banging in to her at a frantic pace, gasping and crying out."Lisa, Lisa, Oh that's fantastic. Oh God I'm coming, I'm coming ! " and with a few last, deep thrusts, and several long drawn-out groans, he emptied himself into her.He collapsed onto her gasping, trying to get his breath, telling her how great it had been.. I hadpracticed in them, but now it was the real thing. I walked unsteady, butwith each step towards the adjoining door I felt my confidence grow andwith each step the ability to walk like as girl,The adjoining door was shut, and on the other side awaited a night ofpassion that would see me as your lover, for the first time. That wouldsee us as girl friends, and would bind me to you as only the offering ofgirls virginity can.I tapped gently on the door. Your soft girl's voice told me the door.
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