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He came home two hours later and went right to bed. He wouldn't talk to me or anything. The next morning was a Saturday and when he awoke, I was awake too as I had not slept a wink all night.Once I saw his eyes open I lit into him. "Ronald James Cooper, you ungrateful bastard; I go to all the trouble to give you a surprise birthday party and you spoil the whole thing by insulting me and our friends and then have the unmitigated gall to leave and not come home for two more hours after I told all. She had been in a hurry to pick up a few things at Walgreen's before she got home and her mind had been on the changes that were about to happen at work.She lived alone since her daughter had gotten married. Her daughter, Jessica, had married a computer science major and he had a job waiting for him in California after graduation. They had gotten married the weekend after they graduated and left for California the next day. Her daughter called about once every 2 weeks and she seemed to be doing. I proceeded to lather up when bob the older of the two offered to wash my back wow i thought that didn't take long, ok i said and handed him my sponge and he gently scrubbed my shoulders and back it felt so nice, i could feel his large cock rubbing against me getting harder when his mate asked if he could do the front with all my might i tried to say no but i couldn't fact is i was so enjoying this,i was aching with lust with these two guys as old as my dad scrubbing my naked young body from. . you know, just go into your bedroom, to check my makeup, say. And then you could come across me by accident in there, in a minute or so."Laura smiled and blushed at the same moment. How enchanting! "Like a game," she said.Camille beamed a very winning little girl smile. "Yes, like a game!" I think it's a wonderful idea."Camille took a deep breath and stood up. She was really one of those women about whom Laura wondered why men didn't lurk in alleyways just so they could fall on her and rape.
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