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I have a girly little yellow dress on with toe cleavage sandals, but they don’t help me get all the height I need to reach your face. I pull a classic pose, tip-toe on one-foot with the other leg in the air. My knee slides firmly up your thigh, and I feel one hand fall free from my back and grab that leg and pull it up and around you. Your fingertips press into the flesh under my dress and I gasp with need.Your lips move from mine to my neck. Tender at first, and then your wet hot tongue traces. I got on my hands and knees, my ass lift up by the door and started sucking it. I felt like such a whore with it in my mouth, my cock was pulsating already so i started rubbing it and touching my asshole. I felt it stretch and getting ready as minutes went by. At that point I was so horny i wasn't myself anymore, i took some lube in my hand and rubbed over my little hole and my dildo.I got up facing the bathroom door and slowly sat down on it. It was NOTHING like a finger or two, it was...way. It’s something I’ve always wanted to see, and I’m sure your daddy has fantasized about for quite some time.” Then she smiled, and looked deep into his eyes. “I know you’ve always enjoyed the peaks you get at Becky’s cunny, because of her dislike of panties. And I know you love to let her sit in your lap, knowing she isn’t wearing anything under her skirt. So…” And she looked to Becky, “…would you like to sit on daddy’s lap, and rub his cock with your little cunny?” Becky felt her cunny get damp. I was immensely enjoying myself in what I thought was my privacy when I heard a gasp and some groaning and moaning from somewhere close by. I looked around to try to determine where the sounds had come from, and who had made them. Finally, when I looked through a small opening through the growing leaves of my muscadine arbor I saw her. It was Heather, my next door neighbor. She isn’t what you might say is lovely, but she has kept her body in good shape. She’s slim, and she seems to have nice.
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