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Then I fingered her and all I could hear was “SSSSSSSSS……YEAH…..DEEPER..DEEPER…THAT IS ALL YOURS….TEAR IT OPEN….MAKE IT BLEED…..SSSSSS…..AAHHH YESSS….” It made me wilder and I inserted all my 4 fingers at once and started pumping her like a mad man, her pussy became a little loose and I saw her clit, I went down to nibble it, first I licked her tasty juices and then I bit her clit which made her squirt all over my face. I HAD NO IDEA SHE COULD SQUIRT!!! I knew that I was going to have a great. The first thing that that changed was me and Jessica stayed up after the rest of the kids where in bed. The first several times we did pretty much the same we always did. Sit on the couch and watch what ever was on t.v the big difference was we had cable. One night while Jessica was looking for something to watch when she thought she seen a movie that she recognized. It turned out to be a cinimax after dark movie. That first time we quickly changed the channel and I went to my room before our. “You look a little uncomfortable there boy” our assailant stated. “Go sit down on the couch there.” He said pointing to the couch with his gun.My sister removed my cock from her mouth and remained in the middle of the floor on her knees as I moved over and sat down.“Well what are you waiting for bitch?” he said staring at my sister. “Get over there and keep sucking!”My sister crawled over between my legs and returned to sucking on me. I sat there on the couch with my eyes closed, just feeling. We had to get a hotel room. We spent the whole day in the city walking around and having a good time while she was barefoot in her cute little flip flops the entire duration. I was so god damn horny but I was good at hiding it. She never showered once we got back to the hotel room because she claimed she was too tired. So I got thinking about her sweaty soles. The way they smelled, the way they would taste. I had this urge building inside of me that I couldn’t take any more. It was about 11:30.
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