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Thank you mom! Thank you dad! I screamed rubbing the young pups furry ears as he whined lightly at the contact. No problem Hun. Me and your mother just thought it was lonely being in this house all the time with no one to play with. My father said as he wrapped an arm around my moms waist catching mom by surprise. Yes sweetheart I always feel so bad when Im too busy to play with you… I hope this dog can take away that loneliness. My mom laughed out as dad pinched her side. She elbowed him in. When you licked my clit and I came, I thought I had died and gone to heaven. When you fucked me, it hurt at first a bit, but overall it was wonderful. When you came, I could feel you shooting into me and I was really turned on. Afterwards, when you did me with your hand, it was really, really good.” “Did I make a lot of noise? I tried not to, but I think I must have been kind of loud.” “Honey,” I said, “You were very loud, but don’t be shy about it. We are alone here and I am the only person. "Maybe not three times as much, exactly," I began, but just then someonesaid: "Hey, look at this!" She was holding up a tablet with some kind ofvideo playing on it; several people crowded round to look, and she sentthe link to others' phones and tablets. Moments later Stan put it up onhis big screen.A reporter or vlogger was interviewing someone I pegged as probably trans(though a moment later I mentally amended that snap judgment, thinkingmaybe a butch lesbian? or something more. The weather wasn't very nice that night, cold and blustery still we managed nice shag and again although I didn't cum, wished we could do it in a warm bed where I'm certain I would have had another mind blowing orgasm.I spent New Year's Eve at home sipping sherry with the family, not very exciting really, and it seemed to drag as all I could think of was Alan and how I wished we could have spent the evening together. After midnight we sang 'Auld Lang Syne' hugged and kissed one another and I.
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