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Gill began to walk around the room,amazed at all the books.Then she spotted a large certificate in it's frame hanging on one of the walls. She read the certificate ,"MASTER PHILIPS,DEAN OF DISCIPLINE".She looked at Brandon and asked, "What's a Dean of Discipline?" No idea,but this is interesting,"Brandon said beckoning to her. She walked over to the study desk and saw what Brandon was looking at,they both exchanged glances and stared at the cane on the desk."Bit kinky!" Gill giggled."I got that. “Cocky fool warn’t wearing his chain,” someone muttered to Monty, “Cocky fool shoulda prepared to fight instead of boffing the girl.”“Doesn’t matter,” Monty responded. “The end would be the same – take a little longer, maybe.”The body was carried out the door, and Monty turned to face Hastert. “I’m not in the mood to drink at the moment,” he told him. “I have my friend to see to.”The serving wench, wide eyed but otherwise steady, was standing at his elbow. “Bring Hastert a mug of his choice,. Then at the same time, they laughed.“John, I think we were entitled to that,” she said, with an invitation in her voice for him to agree.“It expresses how we feel,” he answered. “It’s honest. Now let’s get you booked on a flight and get you packed.”They managed to book her on a flight on Valentine’s Day, and she phoned Peter to tell him when the flight would arrive.“You’re coming home?” he asked unbelievingly. “Really?”“Yes Peter my love, really. I told you I would if you got help, and you. Annabeth Warwick using her contacts within the justice system to ease certain approvals, even so certain policies such as mandatory birth control to avoid any monthly unfriendliness was still a difficult fight. Helped by the fact you could not argue with her results, they had won out eventually, owning to the fact the women could always leave the program at anytime they wished...with a large financial burden as they would have to payback all expenses, court costs and assorted other fees, in.
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