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It mostly consisted of us kissing and groping each other, not to mention a few more incidents of chasing. For some reason, I always pursued her and never vice versa. I got the impression that she had a different, playful nature at odds with her calm and professional workplace demeanor. She came across rather kinky that night, with a submissive side that she hid well from me before.By then, I craved a snack and a stiff drink again. So did June, from what I could sense of her. She seemed a mind. We stayed in the bathroom for hours drinking wine and beer. Anushree eventually came over and joined us. When she went into the kitchen to get a beer I followed her and grabbed her. I looked into her beautiful eyes, and said, “I want to eat Swati’s pussy!”Her eyes widened. She got a big smile and gestured toward Swati. I nodded yes! We all ended up drinking together and talking easily. I did not understand how this beautiful woman had changed Anushree’s mind. But as the night was on all I. My cunt lips were to the knot, I came again as I wiggled my cunt lips over the tennis ball sized knot. FUCK MEEEE!!!!!!!!! FUCK MEEEEEEEEEEEEEE!!!!!!!!, I screamed , as the knot passed through the lips of my cunt. YESSSSSSSS GOD YESSSS, FUCK MY HOT CUNT, I yelled as my cunt filled with dog dick.I looked through glazed eyes at Tom. I knew he was still in shock. I really didnt care. I love this dog dick and it was his idea. I moved my full cunt around the dogs cock. The hound was whinning and. You easily accept theirbehaviors.Look down at your hand. See how it droops at the wrist and your fingersseem to point toward the ground. It doesn't feel all that unnaturalanymore does it? You may be surprised to find that it is no longerpossible to act or react as your old male self. But, you really have nodesire to do so anyway. You have begun your transformation.Your growing anticipation and excitement is enhanced by knowing that theothers around you feel the same way. You want to share.
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