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I’m right.“We know you are special to each other, Julian, Harper,” Mom’s voice is soft, not quite a whisper. She looks each of us in the eye and she pauses to kiss Julian, then me. “We’ve known that for a long time and we are happy for you.”Evidently Julian and I have not been as discreet as we thought we were.“Fred knows, too.”Julian blinks at this.“Honor your love,” Dad adds, and he repeats Mom’s look and her kisses.Mom leans close to Julian and Dad does the same with me. I feel his hand hot. And if you want my tongue up your ass you better work that butt up against my face." I will," Jennifer groaned lustfully. "I'll fuck your face with my ass. Just stretch that tongue out as far as possible so I can feel it as deep as possible up my asshole."As husband and father Tim was jacking off and watching in a chair somewhere in the room where he was usually forgotten by his wife and son as they played out their nasty fantasies, the perverted spectacle became ever transgressive. How could. .. Suddenly, I got scared and my knees almost buckled as I was caught red-handed. I told him I was dressed like Lois Lane.Soon I was in his home and to my horror and I felt a sick feeling in my tummy. The old fart suggested he could spank me with his paddle for my prank., But, it would be panties down affair. This is was not fair and I adamantly refused. At that moment when my dad’s phone was about to be rung my situation became clear and his proposal to punish me himself made better sense. My. You’ve earned yourself a paddling now,” said Robert.“I’m—I’m sorry. Ok? I’ll go put on the clothes you put in there for me. Ok?” He wanted to retreat to the bathroom, but was surrounded and had no escape.“Why are you making this so hard?” said Robert. “You should be making our cocks hard with your mouth, not giving us a hard time.” Turning to John, he said, “Are you ready with that email?”“Wait—what email? What?” said Steve.John ignored him. “Yep,” he said. I’ll go ahead and send it to.
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