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To be honest, I doubt there is anything better for a girls ego than being a college cheerleader, except maybe being the lust object of a team full of big handsome men. Being an attractive, petite, girl, who had spent years attending gymnastic and cheerleader competitions, I wasnt at all surprised to have landed a full scholarship to State College. What did surprise me was my first experience with a black man. It all started during a math test during the first month of our freshman year. Stuck. This tree had branches that hung close to the ground and provided some what of privacy. As we got under the tree I saw that some one had pulled an old sofa under there and that there was a box of rags near by. Charlie looked at me and said '...you might want to pull of your jeans so they want get dirty and get up on your knees on the sofa...' I removed my jeans and underwear and climb up on the sofa, my knees on the seat and my elbows on the back of the sofa. I didn't even look around to see. He fucks you and cums in you but you don't get off. He pulls out, and has to go somewhere and do something, so he puts his clothes on and leaves you, his hot thick cum starts to come oozing out of your freshly fucked but unsatisfied pussy. You're frustrated and want to take it out on someone, so you text me and tell me to be at your address within 10 minutes, no questions asked. I show up and park a few houses down, find your place and walk in quietly.You let me in, wearing only your panties. With all his brides forming lines for a turn, he figured it would be a great time saver in the long run to just forgo them. Not only that but his sperm production had substantially increased without the restriction of undergarments, turning his previous flood into a tidal wave of mammoth proportions. Hana stuck out her tongue to lap the underside sensually, sending shivers up his spine in jolts. Naruto&hellip, I know this must be difficult for you. Youre not the kind of person to fuck someone.
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