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After finishing up the arrangements, Antonio said goodbye and Tracy got to work on the computer, setting up delivery for the flowers and sending the bride and her mother confirmation emails with photos. She couldn’t decide if she was still hungry or queasy, but then a video call from Beth came in. She gave Beth the update on William, the new intern, and how Nana was doing. Beth told her about Charlie and his new tooth that was keeping them both awake at night. After hanging up and processing a. , lover," Rachael gasped, as Richard planted himself balls-deep in Rachael's cunt, "let's fuck!" She started to hump up and down. At first her motions were slow and lazy. As Jennifer watched, Richard's cock appeared, and then disappeared into Rachael's cunt. He was arching his buttocks up and then pushing them forward, plunging his dick deeply into Rachael's teenaged twat. Jennifer gasped. She felt George's hand, holding hers, bring her hand over to his hardon. She jumped and pulled her hand. His hands gently caress her body, each sensual curve of her body conforms to his. She can feel the tickle of his warm breath as he kisses slowly down her neck. She shudders with anxiety as he pulls her closer. The warm sun is sparkling in her eyes, the cool breeze is playing with her luxurious, long brown hair. Slowly he removes the silky lace blouse from her creamy shoulders, opening each button, slowly and lovingly. He follows with soft kisses– Down her shoulder, then back to her neck and. It was nearly midnight when they finished with the dresser and baby bed. Ann said, let's take a break and start over in the morning. Beth had finished changing into her nightgown and was about to lay down when Ann knocked on the guest room door. Coming in, she sat on the side of the bed. Stroking Beth's hair, she thanked her again for helping her. Beth could only think about Ann's full tits as she sat beside her. She could see them hanging free under Ann's gown. She thought about sucking them,.
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