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"The coach nodded. "So at least look at him so he knows you're paying attention. And you can either step off and, if you want, throw to first. But you can't fake it if you're on the rubber."She nodded. "Balk, right?" Right. When you start to pitch, you have to pitch." But coach," she said, "I can turn and face him can't I?" She put her glove on her right hand and held the ball in her left."Wait, wait, no you can't. Not unless you throw left handed."She smiled. "I can do that. Works in. I wish it was winter, then I could die out here. Laying with the trash, where I belong… that would be just ‘poifect’.But the streets of New York were still hot at 12:30 at night in the summer, and though she passed out amongst the refuse, she was in no danger of dying from exposure to the elements. - - - She woke with a start. She was on a couch in a strange living room, with a blanket over her and… men’s pajamas on.“Hey sleepy head, how ya doin?”He was tall, dark, and fairly handsome. And…. " Danni said..."What are you talking about?" The new girl asked."It's one of those little sideffects of what I did or more correctly what youdid... you aren't there in 2005. Your body died in 1945, no one remembersyou... when I return home I may not even remember you. The wizard will, hedoesn't forget anybody." She said."My body died in 1945?!? I can't live in 1945... in this body!" the new Jennyexclaimed."Oops time to go." Danielle said as she faded into nothingness...The night nurse came. "Are you sure you're not mad about me eating meat?" Of course not, silly! With how tall you are now, and how wide your shoulders are getting, you probably need the extra protein!" As Josh watched her eyes wander hungrily over his new physique, almost as though he were a piece of meat himself, he felt a now-familiar tingle starting up between his legs and let his own attention fall to Amy's body, which seemed to be filling out her shorts and tight tank top even more than usual.They tried to work.
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